Welcome, and thank you for dropping by our little area on the World Wide Web. When we started our company back in the summer of 1989 the Internet was not even in existence. Boy how times change. We too have experienced changes over the years. New faces, new equipment, but one thing that has always remained constant here at Wizard Carpet & Rug Cleaning Ltd. is our passion, commitment and pursuit in providing to our customers, The Most Thorough and Pleasurable Carpet Cleaning Experience Ever!
We understand that when we enter our customer’s home and businesses, we are entering our customer’s castles. Their most private, sacred and secure domain known to them. Entering and performing our services in our customer’s castles requires the responsibility and respect to perform our services in the highest manner and regard for our customer’s feelings, property and their belongings. All of us at here at Wizard Carpet & Rug Cleaning Ltd. are committed to being the finest service company in our region.
I encourage you to look through all the pages that comprise our site and if there is something that you require personal attention with, or perhaps you have additional questions, please contact me directly at wizard@wizardcarpet.com as I am here to be of service to you in any way I can be.
When you combine our Aero Tech, The World’s Most Powerful Cleaning Machine , our 25 plus years of experience, along with our guarantee of the cleanest carpets possible, you have a winning combination, second to none! We would very much appreciate the opportunity to prove to you that we are everything we say we are and become your professional company of choice to look after all your carpet and fabric cleaning needs. Choose Wizard Carpet & Rug as your carpet and fabric care professional and you to will discover as thousands of others have the difference we the Wizards make. Thanks again for dropping by. I remain,
Ian D. Hopkins Aka: The Wizard
We understand that when we enter our customer’s home and businesses, we are entering our customer’s castles. Their most private, sacred and secure domain known to them. Entering and performing our services in our customer’s castles requires the responsibility and respect to perform our services in the highest manner and regard for our customer’s feelings, property and their belongings. All of us at here at Wizard Carpet & Rug Cleaning Ltd. are committed to being the finest service company in our region.
I encourage you to look through all the pages that comprise our site and if there is something that you require personal attention with, or perhaps you have additional questions, please contact me directly at wizard@wizardcarpet.com as I am here to be of service to you in any way I can be.
When you combine our Aero Tech, The World’s Most Powerful Cleaning Machine , our 25 plus years of experience, along with our guarantee of the cleanest carpets possible, you have a winning combination, second to none! We would very much appreciate the opportunity to prove to you that we are everything we say we are and become your professional company of choice to look after all your carpet and fabric cleaning needs. Choose Wizard Carpet & Rug as your carpet and fabric care professional and you to will discover as thousands of others have the difference we the Wizards make. Thanks again for dropping by. I remain,
Ian D. Hopkins Aka: The Wizard